Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Think before you List


YOU SHOUD PROBABLY THINK Maybe this worked out in the past but those days are long gone. Especially in this Fort Hood area Market. Always keep in mind that markets are regional. Realtors don't  make the prices , the market does.
Would you hire a part time surgeon? Marketing properties has become full time. A Realtor must be sharp with their marketing and tech skills. It is so highly competitive.  There are so many house on the market. With interest being record lows, it seems to be driving people to purchase new construction, prices seem to be low too. Resale must compete. Real Estate is a full time job and your Realtor must be available to take phone calls and email leads and keep up with the trending websites. I have an example.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Interesting- From Copperas Cove, TX for you Football Fanatics!

Saw this on the fence when I was picking stuff up for CHAMPS ( PROGRAM AGAINST BULLYING AND MORE), never realized how many have gone, tried to find pictures without the fence but i got tired. LOL  THIS IS  WORTH SHARING!